viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

Review: Goddesses and Sirens Oracle

 Goddesses and Sirens Oracle

Female Goddesses are our mothers and creators. They are our patrons who guide and see us through. They represent the women in or lives, in our generations, be it our Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts, Sisters, or God Mothers. When I think of a Goddess, I think of a beautiful divine female being that has to limits or boundaries. She is she and she is one. She is maiden, mother, or crone. Obey and you shall be rewarded, disobey and you shall be punished.

When I acquired this oracle deck, I had such a good feeling, a deep vibe that this deck will speak volumes to me. And it did! Each Goddesses gives us advice to follow or take into consideration or simply do as we please with. The Goddesses and Sirens Oracle deck does not discriminate. In this oracle deck you get deities from all the pantheons. Greek, Roman, Maya, and Asia (just to name a few). Before you get confused, I will elaborate on the difference of a Goddess and Siren. In this oracle deck, a Goddess is a Goddesses and a Siren is someone who has the ability to "move"

The illustrations are done by, Jimmy Manton and the guide book is written by Stacey Demarco.

  1. Are the back designs reversible?
    No, the back designed are not reversible. Though, the back designed are beautifully designed. They have a feel of a golden look to them. The title, "Godesses and Sirens" really stands out and appears to be fused with a gold and platinum touch.
  2. What size are the cards?
    The size of the cards are approximately
    5 ½ in height x 3 ¾ width.

  3. What quality is the stock?
    The card stock quality is very good and durable. For being such large cards, they sure are flexible enough to bend.

  4. How good is the print transfer? The print transfer is fantastic. There are hardly any flaws. You can see the details in each card.
  5. How easy are they to shuffle?

  6. What kind of box does the deck come in?
    The cards come in a very durable and sturdy box that will for sure grantee to protect the cards and book from any damage. Though, the box provides lots of space for the cards to flow and rattle around.

  7. How does the item shelve/store with the other decks?It shelves and stores perfectly. Really, it does.

  8. Does the deck come with a companion book?
  9. What type of art does the deck contain (CGI, Real, Drawn)?
    The art appears to be drawn or sketched, then processed into a computer and colored in with Photoshop. It has a feel of chalk and acrylic painting. Which in my opinion is a very beautiful combination.

  10. What’s your own opinion about the deck?

sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

El Tarot de los Cuentos Oscuros

"Magia, luces, y sombras: cuentos del reino encantado..."

Hoy revisare un nuevo estreno llamado, El Tarot de los Cuentos Oscuros. (Ilustrado por: Raffae, Publicado por: Lo Sacarabeo/Llewellyn). No hay por que espantarse por el titulo del mazo, este tarot no es nada macabro ni sádico. Solo es un tarot estilo "gótico" o bien dicho, estilo "sombrío". Cierto como dice el titulo del mazo (cuentos oscuros) cada imagen en la baraja dice un cuento que solo vosotros podréis descifrar con vuestra intuición. Lo que yo he visto con mi experiencia en consultar con este mazo, cuando una baraja se presenta boca arriba, es un reflejo de vuestra subconsciencia. ?Raro no? El mazo consiste de 78 barajas como todos los tarots tradicionales. El tamaño de las barajas es muy practico para utilizar y es adecuado para todo tipo de manos. Sea largas o pequeñas. El foro de las barajas es muy suave y un poco resbaloso. La resistencia del mazo es extraordinario. Parece ser que el mazo superara varias utilizaciones. El arte del mazo consiste en collage de fotos con un toque de efectos generados por computadora. La caja que contiene el mazo es muy simple y sencilla. Lamentablemente, un libro no viene incluido con este mazo. Solo un libretillo blanco. Este mazo suige la tradicion del Rider Waite. En mi opinion, creo que este mazo es un mazo maravilloso. Tiene mucha potencion para desarollar talentos de si que han quedad secreto y occulto.

  1. Cual es vuestra percepción sobre mi?
  2. Cual es una característica importante de vos?
  3. Cual es vuestra mayor froté?
  4. Cual es vuestra mayor debilidad?
  5. Que es lo que vos podréis contribuir en una lectura?
  6. Que situaciones podre consultar con vos?
  7. Que situaciones no podre colaborar con vos?
  8. Como podre aprender de vos mejor mente?
  9. Qué sera el resultado de nos colaborando juntos?

lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Tarot : Crystal Vision Tarot

  What can I say about this marvelous tarot deck? Absolutely nothing at all. All though, I will say this... I feel blessed to have found a tarot deck that has touched as well as moved me on so many levels. This is one of those decks that you just want to run to and ask questions. So I've done just that. I've read with this deck and the answers it has given me are outstanding. Each answer is like a soft and gentle breeze of fresh air running through my face. 

  The illustrations on this deck are very subtle and friendly. This deck does not make you feel iffy about anything. One thing I did notice about this deck is that the theme and background is purple (purple, the color of the third eye) If one is to put all the cards one after another, it would play out a movie scene. This deck is for people of all ages. There is little to no nudity or violence (except for some cards like the 3 of Swords or 10 of swords). The card stock is wonderful and very sturdy. The lamination gives this deck life (especially when read next to a candle). I strongly suggest this deck for teenagers who are venturing into tarot. This deck is absolutely motherly on all aspects.